Sunday, 9 August 2009

We will return to the computers!!

Sorry about the dryspell, we had to stay away from computers for a while over the holidays to get a proper rest. But now we are back. So new posts abolut the minimonster are not far away.
Hopefully you will recognise her. She has a new haircut. Sort of Cleopatra-inspired. You'll see.
Hope you appreciate all the hard work behind it. Making a minimonster sit still for more than a millisecond requires advanced manipulation and all our strength. So if you see certain discrepancies in hair length, do not judge us. We did the best we could.

1 comment:

  1. yayyyy have been waiting patiently.. checking every day still.
    Take your time but HURRY and post some more items :) btw happy you had a relaxing time :)
