Wednesday, 30 September 2009

Inspecting Dad's cooking

Vegetarian shepherd's pie. Mum and Katie are mighty impressed!

Saturday, 26 September 2009

Flea market treasures

Sara went to the flea market today, waited in a 200m long que and came home with some home scores. This bead set was one of them.

Monkey girl

Saturday, 19 September 2009

Tuesday, 15 September 2009

Little green patch

We have a tiny balcony garden. We grow tomatoes and strawberries. Most of them never reach the age of being red. Someone picks them first, especielly the strawberries...
(These must have ripened sneakily. While she was at kindy.)

"Mum, Dad, it is a bit green, but it is very very yummy!"

Monday, 14 September 2009

Conversation in front of the TV

Watching a british TV show on different body types. (About the perfect man)
Dean: I wonder what my bodytype is?
Me: Well, your quite tall and...what do you call it? Slender? Yes, you're slender. Both you and Jill are quite slender. And Gracious.
Dean (bursts out laughing): Noone ever called me gracious before.
Me: Ok. So, what have they called you?
Dean: More like...Clutz.
Me: What's a clut?
Dean: Sort of clumsy. You know.

Guess we have a lot in common then.

Speaking of clumsy, Katie had her photo taken at Kindy today. We dressed her up really cute, in her turqoise dress and jeans. There was however no hiding the scrapes in her face. Wonder if you can ask them to photoshop it away? (Don't worry, it was not as bad as the wedding scab on her nose... :) She will no doubt look gorgeous. That's our girl. Gorgeous clutz.)

Sunday, 13 September 2009

Saturday, 12 September 2009

Going for an unvoluntary swim...

Poor Katie. She has fallen into the loo twice in the last few days. A truly traumatic experience.
See, she's got one of those rings for small bums. And she is really really good at the potty training. But every now and then, me or Dean have to use the toilet, and then we move the small seat away. And when Katie comes to go, she is most likely in a bit of a hurry, and doesn't check to see if her ring is there. And then she falls in when she sits down. Poor poor Katie. "Mum, Dad, there was no swimming ring there" she sobs...
We will make sure to leave her ring on from now on!

Friday, 11 September 2009

Passing the dam at lunch time

Spilling water and a rainbow

Thursday, 10 September 2009

Not quite a bird yet

More like a chicken... ;)

Wednesday, 9 September 2009

Remembering our wedding in songs

Remembering our wedding - it has almost been two years now.

Here are the Songs from our wedding:

Loyal, Dave Dobbyn (entering and afterwards)

Bic Runga - When I see you smile (signing the marriage certificate)

First dance - The Pogues - Fairytale in New York (at the wedding brilliantly performed by Little Green Men - Chris and Brad - can't thank you enough! :) )

And the most beautiful girl in the world was there.

Playing soccer in the last days of summer

Tuesday, 8 September 2009

Dare devil

Steering is for babies

Wednesday, 2 September 2009

Family photo :)

Notice the cute ice cream moustache.
We don't end up together in very many photos, so I had to put one up where we do. :)

Picnic today in the sun

Sorry about the blurred shots, i put them up anyway because they were cute. And to illustrate the difference between a clean camera lense a a not so clean.. And to show why it is wise to be restrictive with letting small people with sticky hands watch Curious George on the phone.. :)