Friday, 30 October 2009

Happy halloween!

Dress up at kindy.
Dean wanted Katie to go as the grim reaper. I said that was not going to happen before she turns 18. So she went as a mouse. Some people actually find them scary too. :)

Tuesday, 27 October 2009

The minimonster is exhausted...

...and in bed by ten past seven. I am not sure that has ever happened before.
I don't know what to think. She'll probably wake up again, around ten, wanting to get back up.
(I am glad we didn't take a chance and went to the mall to buy her gum boots. Would have been a disaster. )

Halloween at Kindy on Friday. Katie is going to be a mouse with cute brown and pink ears.. (Some people actually do find them scary so it counts. ) Have to figure out how to make a tail though.

Sunday, 25 October 2009

Rainy day in Uppsala

What better way to spend a rainy saturday morning than playing at nicke's play land. Heaps of stuff to climb, swing, hang on and a maze to crawl through. After crawling through the maze trying to keep up with Katie we came to a 'water' hazard that another little girl had created... I went to get a staff member but 100's of kids had wiped it up with their knees by the time I had gotten out!

Katie and her girl gang

The weather may be crap but at least there are lots of puddles to play in!

Friday, 23 October 2009

Parent meeting at Kindy

Conversation at the breakfast table - Dean to Katie:
"Mum and dad are going to Katie's kindergarten to talk to the teachers about Katie today. Do you think they are going to say that Katie is a good girl or that she is a little brat?"
Katie: "A little brat."

Tuesday, 20 October 2009

Wee Oddball

Right, picked her up from Kindy today, and her gloves were all gone, her hat inside out and her shoes were on the wrong feet. Good God, are they actually letting this little crazy person dress herself...?

Sitting here watching Nana on TV. It was a demand from this morning - "I want to watch Nana on TV!!" So we said we'd do it straight after Kindy. She likes to watch "when Katie was little" on TV.

We are trying to speak only English at home now the next few weeks before departure, in order to get her to speak more English. before going to NewZealand. Currently she works a bit like translator service:
"Katie, can you say Can I have some rice please?"
"Kan jag få lite ris, tack?" (Or "Jurgen urgen burgen". You know, that sort of stuff.)
Worst case scenario - she understands everything said in NZ, but all you guys over there hear is jurgen urgen burgen. But we have good hopes on getting her on track. She does speak some English, usually in mixed sentences. For example "It is a bit dark outside" is in Katie tongue: "Det är lite dark outside". So we are halfway there. ;)

Sunday, 18 October 2009

Sunday, 11 October 2009


Grubs is definitely going through a phase now. (We hope it is a phase anyway, or we are looking forward to a very tough teenage-period.)

It is best described as not wanting to do what we want her to do, most of the time.
And she is very confrontational. (She does not have that from any of her parents, I think. At least not her Dad.) It makes our daily life rather full of friction, to say the least.

On the brighter side, she is doing really really well with her toilet training. On average, one accident a day. Usually when we are outside. I think that is awesome, since the equivalent amount of successes equals at least 25. Including a few false alarms. All in all, not bad for a beginner.

Katie has put Dean's wedding ring somewhere in the bed room. Noone knows where, inclusing Katie. So currently, two out of three rings are lost, however we are counting on recovering this one. I am under strict orders not to vacuum the bedroom. Not that I needed such orders anyway. The ring lies safe, whereever it is. :)

Wednesday, 7 October 2009

Santa phobia

Katie is often very talkative at night, going through the days highlights in detail. Tonight however she had santa on her mind. Katie has declared that she wants presents but that santa gets to leave them on the porch outside. Katie is sacred of santa!
She has decided that she wants 'scrollan'(a talking doll), a book that isn't ripped, and a doll that hasn't done poos!

Tuesday, 6 October 2009

Maten på bordet

Och händerna i knät. Och varsågod och ät! :)

Hungry bugger :)

Katie eating ice cream

I think I will need a bath after this. :)

Saturday, 3 October 2009

Katie baking

Apple cake. Yum!
However, I think she slightly overdosed the icing sugar..