This cute little brat that you see right here, she swam 50 meters today, two pool lengths!! With a small rest in between. And if you look closely, you see a badge on her sweater. To earn that badge (called "Baddaren" or freely translated "the Champ" (in diminutive)), she had to dip her head five times, blow bubbles five times, and glide in the water for five seconds.
She is mighty proud over her badge. And Dean and I are very proud of her. Next time, she will attempt the next level badge. :)
The photo is taken celebrating with tea at IKEA afterwards. (We were checking out potential book shelves for her room. At the moment she is storing all her possessions on the floor. That is not a long-term solution. :) )
nana and grandad are very proud of you too Katie. Well done!!!