Right, picked her up from Kindy today, and her gloves were all gone, her hat inside out and her shoes were on the wrong feet. Good God, are they actually letting this little crazy person dress herself...?
Sitting here watching Nana on TV. It was a demand from this morning - "I want to watch Nana on TV!!" So we said we'd do it straight after Kindy. She likes to watch "when Katie was little" on TV.
We are trying to speak only English at home now the next few weeks before departure, in order to get her to speak more English. before going to NewZealand. Currently she works a bit like translator service:
"Katie, can you say Can I have some rice please?"
"Kan jag få lite ris, tack?" (Or "Jurgen urgen burgen". You know, that sort of stuff.)
Worst case scenario - she understands everything said in NZ, but all you guys over there hear is jurgen urgen burgen. But we have good hopes on getting her on track. She does speak some English, usually in mixed sentences. For example "It is a bit dark outside" is in Katie tongue: "Det är lite dark outside". So we are halfway there. ;)
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