We had a couple of mates over for brunch today. As usual it involved a fair amount of panic cleaning (push all of the stuff on top of the drawers into the drawers, put all remaining clutter in the bedroom, close the door and hope that nobody has any reason to go in there...). As usual everything was done just in time and people started to arrive. The doorbell rang and Katie raced away to see who was there. Turned out to be her mates J and C. Katie was really happy! Then the doorbell rang again...
Expecting more friends I went and answered. Turned out to be our neighbour from downstairs. I dont really remember everything that she said but the gist of it was that she thought the level of noise coming from our flat was unacceptable. I was a bit shocked at the time and just stammered out that we would try to keep it down. After a couple of minutes though I started to wonder what the hell she was actually on about. We dont play loud music, we dont have a beefy sub woofer hooked up to the TV and we dont have parties all night long. The only thing left is Katie! I know she isnt silent but is she really that bad?!? All in all I reckon she is moaning for the sake of moaning and have little time for her petiness. We have moved a carpet into Katies play area to dampen things down a bit and will continue to tell her off for throwing stuff on the floor but she wont be wrapped up in conton wool and she wont be stopped from singing and being a kid! Come on what do you expect, she isnt even 2 years old yet! This is an appartment complex, not a retirement village! To be continued.... (probably)
On a brighter note you can see that Katie's fashion sense is really coming along. I told her to get dressed for Kindy on Friday and she ran away to the drawers and pulled out this outfit. Even I with my complete lack of fashion coordination could see that this dress probably didnt go very well with the clothes underneath. She got mad when I tried to suggest something else and who am I to stymie her style anyway?!? Besides, It wasnt me that had to look silly all day!

Right, it's 2300 so Im off to crank up some AC/DC and really give the neighbour something to complain about!
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